Investment in social impact increases nearly ten-fold in ten years as social issues exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis

2022-10-11T11:12:12+01:00October 11th, 2022|Client News, Social Enterprise|

Cheers! Social Investment Tax Relief launch set to play a vital role in helping The Swan fly again

2020-08-09T20:59:05+01:00August 9th, 2020|Ale, Covid-19, Finance, Funding, Investment, Social Enterprise, Uncategorised|

What we do

In a nutshell, no nonsense communications tailored to the client’s requirements. We thrive on unearthing the ‘gem’ of a story you’ve overlooked, packaging it for the media and then using our relationships to get the maximum coverage. Phone: 07812 600 271 Email:

At a Glance

We try to make PR fun and effective, leaving the client free to concentrate on what they do best…run their business or organisation. Twitter: @cucumberpr / @dwarfio
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